Writing guide
Only two kinds of communications come out of KU: communication done for the primary purpose of branding and communication that supports the brand. By embracing our brand and finding a tone to fit each moment of messaging, we can communicate KU’s countless endeavors with one voice.
How do we say we’re Jayhawks?
KU isn’t just laboratories and landmarks. It’s an energized and mighty community fueled by discovery, determination, and an indefinable Jayhawk spirit. KU is a “we.”
How are voice and tone different?
Aspirational and authentic, smart and engaging, authoritative yet approachable. Voice reflects our identity — regardless of the audience or the subject.
Formal or informal, serious or celebratory, imperative or informative. Tone depends on the audience, the subject, and the medium.
What guidelines should we follow?
Keep in mind these guidelines for strong writing:
- Be active. Place us in the present — or the future. Use active voice.
- Be unified. Refer to KU as “us.” Consider the communities we comprise.
- Be positive. Avoid negatives. Be concise. Get specific.
Keep in mind these guidelines for strong branding:
- Be concrete. Show how KU’s work directly benefits our key audiences. Answer the question, “So what?”
- Be on message. Take every opportunity to touch on these themes in your writing:
- Bettering the world
- Excellence in research
- Excellence in teaching
- Service to Kansas, especially through bolstering the economy and workforce
- Modeling success for higher education
- One KU
- Say it with feeling. The mood you evoke with your writing should reinforce KU’s brand. For example:
- Mighty
- Community spirit
- Energetic
- Prestigious
- Creative and ingenious
- Daring
What pitfalls should we look out for?
Take care to avoid these brand-specific missteps in your writing:
- Towering Toward the Blue, the name of our brand platform, is not intended to be used as a tagline but may be used as one occasionally when appropriate. We encourage you to contact marketing@ku.edu if you have questions.
- Towering Toward the Blue — never “towards,” which is British English.
- Towering Toward the Blue isn’t about literal towers. Visuals and copy should avoid an overreliance on tower imagery.
- Our goal is not to tower over anyone else to make them feel small.
- We should not imply that KU is an “Ivory Tower.”
Towering Toward the Blue-inspired words and phrases
Consider ways to evoke the spirit of KU’s Alma Mater in your writing through references to Kansas’ boundless blue sky, KU’s towering stature as one of the country’s top research universities, and the skyward trajectory of Jayhawk ambition. For example:
- Glorious to view
- Far above
- Tall
- Stand tall
- Up, upward
- Level up
- Step up
- Upward trajectory
- Upward momentum
- Climb
- Soar
- Ascend
- High
- High spirits
- High-profile
- High-flying
- High-altitude
- Held in high regard/esteem
- New heights
- Sky high
- Top
- At the top of our game
- Top tier
- Top-notch
- Horizon
- Broaden your horizons
- Good things on the horizon
- Limitless
- Wide open
- Space
- Space to grow
- Make space
- Free space
- Create
- Build
- Make
- Power
- Force
- Community
- Talent
- Jobs
- Careers
- Care
- Serve
Words and phrases to avoid
To distinguish Towering Toward the Blue from our previous brand identity, we should avoid terms that explicitly evoke past campaigns. For example:
- Rise
- On the rise
- Rise above
- Rise to the occasion
- Rise to the challenge
- Rise to your full height