University Style Guide

The University Style Guide, produced by KU Marketing, is a local supplement to The Associated Press Stylebook and Merriam-Webster dictionary. In cases of conflict, the University Style Guide supersedes the AP Stylebook and AP supersedes Merriam-Webster.

The University Style Guide has been placed online as a service to the KU community. It is not meant to be the final word on style but rather makes suggestions for campus writers and editors.

Entries address style questions that arise frequently in writing about the university, as well as local style concerns such as building and place names and proper references to various university entities. Many entries contain links to Web pages for those seeking further information.

In the interest of creating a concise, quick reference, we have avoided topics already well covered by the AP and the dictionary; campus writers and editors are urged to consult these sources. We also have avoided trying to be writing coaches; for this, we recommend The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White.

Email questions or comments to Deb Graber at KU Marketing.

Deb Graber and Lois Sierra, editors

A–C  D–F  G–J   K–N   O–R   S–V   W–Z 


academic degrees

Use bachelor's degree or bachelor's rather than B.A. or B.S.; master's degree or master's rather than M.A. or M.S.; doctoral degree or doctorate rather than Ph.D. or Ed.D.
     She has a bachelor's degree in English, a master’s in translation, and a doctorate in comparative literature.

Follow AP style in the use of apostrophe and capitalization:
     Bachelor of Arts, bachelor’s in psychology
     Master of Science, master’s in journalism

When use of the abbreviation is required, use periods within: B.A., M.S. AP makes an exception for MBA and capitalizes Master of Business Administration. As with Master of Business Administration, University Style allows the capitalization of advanced degree programs that use the field in the name and allows the use of abbreviations of those fields that do not contain periods:
     Master of Social Work program
     MSW program

In general, do not use Ph.D. Doctoral is the adjective, doctorate the noun. Doctoral degree and doctorate are interchangeable. Do not use doctorate degree.

Adams Alumni Center

Acceptable in all references for the K.S. "Boots" Adams Alumni Center. On second reference, alumni center.

Adams Campus

The Adams Campus, 12 miles southwest of KU's main campus, is a training ground to teach team building and cooperation. Despite its name, it isn't considered a primary KU campus. See the listing for campus.


Follow U.S. Postal Service specifications when giving a mailing address: The University of Kansas, department or office name, building name, street address and room number, Lawrence, KS 66045.
     The University of Kansas
     Office of the Provost
     Strong Hall
     1450 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 250
     Lawrence, KS 66045

Note: The four-digit ZIP-code extension is not necessary.

Admissions, Office of

Capitalize Admissions when referring to the office, lowercase when using as an adjective.

Send your transcript directly to Admissions. An admissions rep will contact you.

Advisor, adviser

Advisor, not adviser, in all university publications. News releases use AP style: adviser.

Allen Fieldhouse

When referring to the KU sports venue named for longtime basketball coach Forrest C. "Phog" Allen, fieldhouse is one word.

alma mater

Used for both KU's song and for the university in alumni contexts. Capitalize when referring to KU's song. KU's Alma Mater is Crimson and the Blue.
     They sang the Alma Mater. My alma mater is the University of Kansas.

alumna, alumnae (female); alumnus, alumni (male)

Use alumni when referring to a group of men and women. Use of the term alum is discouraged.

Alumni Association, KU

On second reference, alumni association or association.

Ambler Student Recreation Fitness Center, David A.

Ambler Student Recreation Fitness Center is acceptable on first reference. On second reference, use recreation center, fitness center, or center.

American Universities, Association of

KU is a member of the Association of American Universities, a by-invitation-only association of North American research universities known for their strength in research, education, and innovation. KU has been a member of the AAU since 1909.

When describing KU's membership, refer to the AAU as "a group of  leading research universities."

KU is a member of the Association of American Universities, a group of leading research universities.

Amini scholarship halls

K.K. Amini is a scholarship hall for men and women; Margaret Amini is a women’s hall.


Use ampersands rather than "and" in the proper names of schools and departments.  Do not use a comma before an ampersand.

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

School of Journalism & Mass Communications

Department of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Anschutz Library

Not Anschutz Science Library.


KU operates three student apartment complexes: new Stouffer Place Apartments (opened in 2018), Jayhawker Towers, and McCarthy Hall. All are located in the Central District.

KU Student Housing also operates Sunflower Apartments and the University Guest House, which welcome overnight guests of university departments and house new KU faculty and staff who are searching for permanent residences.

Architecture and Design, School of

Formerly the School of Architecture, Design and Planning.

Arrocha Ballpark

The softball field at Rock Chalk Park carries this name. 

Art History, Kress Foundation Department of

The official name of the department. Use history of art when referring to the discipline or its faculty members. 

Art, Department of

See Visual Art, Department of

Arts, School of the

The School of the Arts is housed within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and encompasses the departments of Film and Media Studies, Theatre and Dance, and Visual Art.


See Kansas Athletics Inc. 

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bachelor's degree

See academic degrees

Battenfeld Hall

Men's scholarship hall.

BEST Building

Business, Engineering, Science, and Technology Building on the Edwards Campus in Overland Park. BEST Building is acceptable on all references. 


Big 12

Not Big XII. 

Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum

Housed in Dyche Hall.

Biological Survey, Kansas

On second reference, biological survey. 

Bioscience and Technology Business Center

The BTBC on second reference. The BTBC Main Facility and the BTBC Expansion Facility are in the West District. The BTBC at the KU Medical Center (BTBC at KUMC on second reference) is in Kansas City, Kansas.

Board of Regents, Kansas

See Kansas Board of Regents.


Use men for all male students. 


Do not capitalize when referring to spring break, fall break, or winter break.

Budig Hall

Built on the site of Hoch Auditorium.


The Campus Buildings Directory, also known as Places, is the authority for building names. Capitalize proper names of buildings and subunits of buildings and shortened forms based on proper names. Do not capitalize generic names of facilities or abbreviations based on generic names.

  • Strong Hall, Strong
  • Spencer Museum of Art, art museum
  • Alderson Auditorium, auditorium

Burge Union

On second reference, union, unless the text also mentions the Kansas Union. In that case, use Burge on second reference.

Business, School of

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See Memorial Campanile


KU has five campuses:

  • main campus in Lawrence
  • Medical Center campus in Kansas City
  • Edwards Campus in Overland Park
  • satellite campus of the schools of Medicine and Pharmacy in Wichita
  • satellite campus of the schools of Medicine and Nursing in Salina

The official name of the Overland Park campus is the Edwards Campus, hence the capitalization of campus in that instance.


committees, commissions, and boards
Capitalize full formal names of committees, commissions, task forces, and advisory boards. Lowercase shortened, informal, or descriptive names of committees. Strive for consistency within stories.
      Campus Safety Advisory Board
      The department's finance committee

distinguished titles
Capitalize all words except "of" and other prepositions in titles of named and distinguished professors.
     John Doe, the Summerfield Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry  
    Jane Doe, a University Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

On second reference or if the entire proper name of the professorship is not used, do not capitalize.
     She was named a distinguished professor in 1994.
     He also holds a distinguished professorship in medicinal chemistry.

divisions and affiliates of the university
Capitalize the formal names of schools, academic departments, and divisions of the university. Lowercase names that are flopped or shortened. But see College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
     School of Business, business school
     Department of Chemistry, chemistry department
     Office of the Chancellor, chancellor's office

     University Registrar, registrar's office

In plural constructions, lowercase the common noun, such as department, school, program, or office:
     The schools of Engineering and Music are collaborating on the research project.

Always capitalize units that don't normally use "Office of" or "Department of" in their formal titles.
     Lifelong and Professional Education
     Parking and Transit 


Capitalize "College" on second reference to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to avoid confusion with the general term meaning college-level or college-related.

position titles
Capitalize titles appearing before a name and lowercase those appearing after a name.
     Jane Doe, dean
     Dean Jane Doe 
    Jane Doe, professor of psychology
    Professor Jane Doe of the Department of Psychology

Capitol Federal Hall

Contains the School of Business


Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. 

Center for Research Inc.

On second reference, the center. KUCR is acceptable on second reference for campus publications. 

Center for Sustainability

On second reference, the center.

Center for Technology Commercialization, KU

On second reference, the center


Not chairman, chairwoman, or chairperson.

Chalmers Hall

The Art and Design Building was renamed in August 2015 for E. Laurence Chalmers, the 11th chancellor who served from 1969 to 1972.


Capitalize only when it precedes the name. Do not repeat with the name on second reference. 

KU’s chancellor should be referred to as Douglas A. Girod on first reference in all communications. When his title is used in front of his name, capitalize it: Chancellor Douglas A. Girod. The chancellor is a physician, and in limited instances with medical audiences, M.D. may be added after his name: Chancellor Douglas A. Girod, M.D.

Do not use Dr. and don’t combine Chancellor and Dr. in front of the chancellor’s name.

chancellor's residence

The chancellor's residence is also called the Outlook.

Chancellors Club

No apostrophe. 


Lowercase chapter in names of local branches of national organizations. Also, chapter is the preferred term over house for sororities and fraternities.

The KU chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Societythe KU chapter of Gamma Phi Beta

Churchill scholars, Churchill scholarships

The Winston Churchill Foundation awards Churchill scholarships.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

On second reference, the College. If the context is not clear, use the full name on second reference.

Besides its academic departments, the College includes the School of the Arts and the School of Public Affairs and Administration.


Uppercase when referring to KU's annual ceremony. Describe graduates using the semester (not the month) in which they graduated.
     Bob Smith is a fall 2020 graduate (not a December 2020 graduate).

Members of the Class of 2020 comprise those who graduated in summer 2019, fall 2019, and spring 2020. KU has its formal Commencement each May, though several schools host graduate recognition ceremonies in December. 

Commons, the

In Spooner Hall. A partnership of the Biodiversity Institute, the Hall Center for the Humanities, and the Spencer Museum of Art, its events focus on interdisciplinary inquiry into research, education, and the human condition.

composition titles

For print publications and where possible online, follow AP style. Use quotation marks for book titles, movie titles, opera titles, play titles, poem titles, album and song titles, radio and television program titles, and the titles of lectures, speeches, and artwork.

Do not use quotation marks for holy books, reference materials, or computer software or games.

Computing Center, Price
On second reference, computing center. Informally known as the computer center.

Continuing Education

Don't use. See Lifelong and Professional Education. Do not confuse with the School of Professional Studies, which is also on the Edwards Campus in Overland Park.


Capitalize when referring to this recurring university event.

Corbin Hall

Women's residence hall. Often referred to as GSP-Corbin in conjunction with Gertrude Sellards Pearson Hall. 

course titles

Capitalize but don't put in quotes. The course abbreviation (all caps) and the course number may appear before the name of the course. 

     PSYC 333 Child Psychology

Italicize names of works appearing in titles.
     LAT 124 Vergil's Aeneid 


One word.

courtesy titles

Use Dr. only if the subject is a medical doctor and the story relates to the medical field. Use the Rev. on first reference when referring to members of the clergy. For faculty members who are also clergy, the academic title supersedes.

Use Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Miss only in direct quotes.

Crafton-Preyer Theatre

The largest of the four performing spaces in Murphy Hall. The others are Swarthout Recital Hall, the Inge Memorial Theater, and the Baustian Theatre.

Crimson and the Blue

The Alma Mater. 

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Daisy Hill

Area southeast of 15th and Iowa streets where several residence halls are located. Named for the daisies that used to grow there. 

Daisy Hill Commons

The area between Self and Oswald residence halls.


Put a space on each side of em dashes 


Omit the comma between month or season and year if no day is included. The word “of” need not be used in these constructions.

The symposium was in summer 2015.

Set off the date with commas when it follows a day of the week and is in apposition to it. Omit the comma when only the day or date is used with the time.
The event is at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24, at the Lied Center.    
The event is at 8 p.m. Jan. 24 at the Lied Center.

Use hyphen or from/to, not through, in giving inclusive dates.
 The class runs from May 13 to 26; the class is May 13-26.

In body copy, hyphenate when giving fiscal or academic years. The 2020-21 academic year.

       An en dash may be used rather than a hyphen when referring to spans of dates or times.

news releases
References to upcoming events should include day and date as a doublecheck for editors. References to events in the past or in the distant future are expressed by date only. Include the year if different from the present one. 

David Booth Kansas Memorial Stadium

Originally known as Memorial Stadium, which is acceptable on second reference.

DeBruce Center

This 32,000-square-foot center houses James Naismith's original 1891 document laying out the "Rules of Basket Ball."

definite article

Lowercase the definite article when it precedes the name of an organization except when the name is part of an address.
  He plans to attend the University of Kansas.
  For more information, write to The University of Kansas, Jayhawk Welcome Center, 1266 Oread Ave., Lawrence, KS 66045.

Lowercase the definite article in the names of newspapers unless it is the newspaper’s preference to capitalize it. Lowercase in lists of publications where some capitalize “the” and some do not. 

degrees, academic

See academic degrees


Department of History, history department, departments of Mathematics and History. 


Please see Life Span Institute Guidelines for Reporting and Writing about People With Disabilities. See also People with disabilities in the diversity style guide.

distinguished professorships

See Distinguished Professors as the authority for named and distinguished professors. 

Capitalize all nouns and adjectives in titles of named and distinguished professors. Use "the" between the name of the professor and the title of the professorship if he or she is the only person with that title. Use "a" if there is more than one person with that particular professorship.

John Doe, the Summerfield Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Jane Doe, a University Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

On second reference or if the entire proper name of the professorship is not used, do not capitalize.
 She was named a distinguished professor in 1994.
 He also holds a distinguished professorship in medicinal chemistry.

Retired distinguished professors retain the title of distinguished professor but not the proper name in the title. For example, the retired Judith H. Murphy Distinguished Professor of Art History would be referred to as distinguished professor emeritus of art history.

Also see Foundation Distinguished Professorships.


The Lawrence campus comprises the North District, roughly the area east of Naismith Drive and north of Sunnyside Avenue, including Jayhawk Boulevard; the Central District; and the West District, the area west of Iowa Street formerly referred to as the west campus.

doctor, Dr.

Reserve the title for people with medical degrees. Use the abbreviation Dr. with the name in first reference; drop it in subsequent references. If a faculty member has a medical degree as well as an academic or administrative appointment, use the title Dr. only when it is relevant to the story. If appropriate, you may note in the text that the faculty member is also a physician, psychiatrist, surgeon, radiologist, or other specialist.

doctoral degree, doctorate

See academic degrees

Dole Institute of Politics

The formal name is Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Dole Institute of Politics is acceptable on first reference, the institute on second reference.


Do not use. KU has residence halls, not dormitories. 

Douthart Hall

Women's scholarship hall. 

Downs Hall

Residence hall for women and men in the Central District. Downs is connected to another residence hall, Oliver Hall, through the South Dining Commons.

Dyche Hall

Houses the Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum

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Earth, Energy and Environment Center

A multidisciplinary center for geology and engineering research on energy and the environment. The center's two buildings — Ritchie Hall and Slawson Hall — are connected to Lindley Hall and Learned Hall. On second reference, EEEC.

Editors Day

No apostrophe in this annual School of Journalism and Mass Communications event.

Edwards Campus

Capitalize “Campus.” Also acceptable as the University of Kansas in Overland Park.

Ekdahl Dining Center

This facility in Lewis Hall is better known as Mrs. E’s.

Ellsworth Hall

Residence hall for women and men. 

emerita, emeritae (female); emeritus, emeriti (male)

See titles

Emporia State University

On second reference, Emporia State. 

Endowment Association, Kansas University

This is the formal name, to be used only in legal or technical documents. KU Endowment is acceptable on all references. Never use KUEA.

Engineering, School of

ExCEL Award

Note capitalization; do not use periods. Somewhere in the text, mention what ExCEL stands for.

The ExCEL Award — Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership — honors two KU students each year. 

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Facilities Services

Not Facilities Operations.

fellowships, fellows

Capitalize only proper names when referring to fellowships and their recipients.

     Mellon fellowships, Mellon fellows.

Field Station, KU

The field station consists of 11 reserves in Douglas, Jefferson, and Anderson counties, totaling more than 3,500 acres of nature preserves, an education center, a student farm, research areas, and public trails. Established in 1947, the field station is managed by the Kansas Biological Survey and Center for Ecological Research, a KU research center.

Fieldhouse, field house

When referring to the KU sports venue named for longtime basketball coach Forrest C. "Phog" Allen, fieldhouse is one word.

fight song

The fight song is "I'm a Jayhawk."

Film and Media Studies, Department of

The department is housed within the School of the Arts. 

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Do not use “Office” or “Department" with this unit name.

Fine Arts, School of

Do not use. See School of the Arts and School of Music.

Fink Award

The H. Bernerd Fink Award for Outstanding Classroom Teaching. Note the spelling of Bernerd.

First-Year Experience, Office of

Do not use. Now the Center for Orientation and Transition Programs, which implements programs that assist new undergraduates with academic, social, and personal transitions to KU.

fiscal year

The university fiscal year is July 1 to June 30. It's identified by the calendar year in which it ends: Fiscal 2022 ended June 30, 2022. FY 2022 is acceptable for campus publications.

foreign students

Do not use. Use international students.

Fort Hays State University

On second reference, Fort Hays State.

Foundation Distinguished Professorships

Twelve distinguished professorships created by a partnership between KU and the state of Kansas. Capitalize Foundation Distinguished Professor in all instances.

Freshman-Sophomore Advising Center

Now called the University Advising Center.

Fulbright grants, Fulbright scholars

Fulbright grants are awarded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State under guidelines established by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

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Geological Survey, Kansas
On second reference, geological survey.

Gertrude Sellards Pearson Residence Hall
A residence hall for women and men. On second reference, GSP. Often referred to as GSP-Corbin in conjunction with the adjacent Corbin Hall, with which it shares a dining facility.

GI Bill®
No periods in GI. The registered trademark symbol ® follows the mark in the upper right corner. Use the trademark symbol on first reference in all individual documents and webpages.

As an institution eligible to receive VA education benefits, the University of Kansas is required to use the registered trademark GI Bill® in print, electronic, radio, digital, and other media. In print and online, the following attribution notice also must appear prominently on the page: ‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at"

Use women for all female students.

Goldwater scholarships, Goldwater scholars
The scholarships are awarded by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program.

Grace Pearson Hall
A scholarship hall for women and men. On second reference, Grace Pearson to avoid confusion with Pearson Hall, a men's scholarship hall.

grade point average, GPA
No hyphen. Use GPA on first reference when used with figures.

A 2.5 GPA is required.

Capitalize but don't quote. A grade of B or better is required. Use an apostrophe for plurals.

     I earned A's and B's in school.

We cannot publish grade point averages without written permission of students.

See Commencement.

Gray-Little Hall
Named for KU’s 17th chancellor, Bernadette Gray-Little. It contains lecture rooms and labs for interdisciplinary research in chemistry, medicinal chemistry, physics, molecular biosciences, and related fields. Also referred to as the integrated science building.

Greek Life, Office of
Now known as Sorority & Fraternity Life.

greek organizations
Use greek organizations, not greek system, when referring to fraternities and sororities. KU's multicultural greek organizations use the abbreviation "Inc." Follow AP Style on punctuation; do not set off with commas. For example, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.

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Hall Center for the Humanities

On second reference, Hall Center or center.

Hashinger Hall

Arts-centered residence hall for men and women.

Hawk Link

Hawk Link is a retention program for first-year students sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs.

Hawk Week

Events preceding the start of a new academic year.

Health Professions, School of

One of three schools based at the KU Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. The two other schools are Medicine and Nursing.

Health System, The University of Kansas

Formerly the University of Kansas Hospital, which was renamed in 2017 after a consolidation of physicians and clinics. On second reference, health system. The health system is a clinical facility governed by an independent authority board. Do not use when referring to KU Medical Center, the academic unit that includes the schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Professions.

Hill Engineering Research & Development Center

Houses KU EcoHawks, a student research program at the School of Engineering. The center was built in the West District by KU architecture students in Studio 804.

Hill, the

The Hill, formally known as Mount Oread, is the site on which the Lawrence campus stands.

history of art

Preferred term for faculty members and the discipline. But see Art History, Kress Foundation Department of.

Hoglund Ballpark

Pronounced HOE-glund.


Uppercase Homecoming as the formal title that includes all events: Homecoming, Homecoming Week. Uppercase Homecoming Steering Committee. But Homecoming parade, Homecoming game.

Honors Program, University

Use the formal title, University Honors Program, on first reference. Use honors program (lowercase) on second reference.

HOPE Award

No periods between the letters in HOPE. Somewhere in the text, mention what HOPE stands for.
 Phillip Hofstra, professor of design, won the HOPE Award — the Honor for the Outstanding Progressive Educator

Horejsi Family Athletics Center

Pronounced “hore-ish.”

Hospital, The University of Kansas

Do not use. The correct name is this: The University of Kansas Health System. On second reference, health system. The health system is a clinical facility governed by an independent authority board. Also, do not use when referring to KU Medical Center, the academic unit that includes the schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Professions.

Housing & Residence Life

Housing & Residence Life operates on-campus living arrangements for students. See also residence halls, scholarship halls, and apartments. Formerly known as KU Student Housing.


Hyphenate inclusive times and dates.

Workshop hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. May 13-16.

An en dash may be used instead of a hyphen for spans of times and dates.

Hyphenate terms such as editor-in-residence and artist-in-residence in all cases, whether the term is before or after the person’s name.

Hyphenate such terms as first-year and second-year when referring to law and medical students; use the suspensive hyphen for more than one reference: First- and second-year students have access to the library.

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Integrated Science Building

Renamed for Bernadette Gray-Little, KU’s 17th chancellor, in 2020. Integrated science building is acceptable on second reference. It contains lecture rooms and labs for interdisciplinary research in chemistry, medicinal chemistry, physics, molecular biosciences, and related fields.

International Programs, Office of

Oversees the Applied English Center, International Recruitment & Undergraduate Admissions, International Student Services, and the Office of Study Abroad.

International Recruitment & Undergraduate Admissions, Office of

Recruitment office for undergraduate international students.

International Student Services

Always capitalize when referring to the unit. Provides cultural and cross-cultural programming and counseling on immigration issues for international students.

international students

Not foreign students.

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Javits fellowships, Javits fellows

Javits fellowships are awarded by the Jacob Javits Fellowship Program.

Jayhawker Towers

University-owned student apartments. Use a plural verb: Jayhawker Towers open in August.

Jayhawk Global

Jayhawk Global coordinates the university's online undergraduate and graduate degree programs and certificates, fire and rescue training, and law enforcement training. It also provides noncredit education and employee training and development. 

Jayhawk Welcome Center

Home to the Office of Admissions, this 30,000 square-foot-building is attached to the Adams Alumni Center and is the starting point for many KU tours for prospective students. On second reference, welcome center is acceptable.

Journalism & Mass Communications, William Allen White School of

On second reference, school of journalism or journalism school. For faculty, omit all but journalism.
     Carol Holstead, associate professor of journalism


Acceptable on second reference for Joseph R. Pearson Hall, home of the School of Education & Human Sciences.

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Kansan, the University Daily

On second reference, use Kansan or UDK to refer to the student newspaper.


In general, the state name does not appear after Kansas towns in text unless there is a possibility of confusion with another city of the same name:

       Kansas City, Kansas
       Independence, Kansas

Note: AP spells out names of states that follow a city name, except in postal addresses. Refer to AP’s datelines section for names of cities that do not need to be followed by state names.

Kansas Athletics Inc.

Use Kansas Athletics Inc. on first reference. Kansas Athletics is acceptable in subsequent references.

Kansas Biological Survey

On second reference, biological survey.

Kansas Board of Regents

Its nine members, appointed by the governor, oversee seven public institutions (KU, K-State, Wichita State, Emporia, Pittsburg, Fort Hays, and Washburn), 19 community colleges, and six technical colleges. On second reference, Board of Regents, Kansas regents, regents, or board.

Kansas Geological Survey

On second reference, geological survey.

Kansas State University

On second reference, K-State or Kansas State. Do not use KSU.

Kansas Union

On second reference, union. Use Kansas Union if Burge Union is also mentioned in the story.

Kansas University Endowment Association

See Endowment Association

Kansas, the University of

Not Kansas University. On second reference, KU or the university. KU is acceptable on first reference for campus publications.
Lowercase “the” except when the name is part of an address.

He plans to attend the University of Kansas.
For more information, write to The University of Kansas, Office of Admissions, KU Visitor Center, 1502 Iowa St., Lawrence, KS 66045.

Krehbiel Hall

Men’s scholarship hall.


No periods. Acceptable on second reference. (Acceptable on first reference in campus publications.)

KU Alumni Association

Formerly Kansas Alumni Association. On second reference, use alumni association or association.

KU Cancer Center

On first reference, University of Kansas Cancer Center or KU Cancer Center if the university has been mentioned previously. On second reference, cancer center or center. The KU Cancer Center includes a research unit, the Kansas Masonic Cancer Research Institute; and a clinical unit, the University of Kansas Hospital Cancer Center. The KU Cancer Center is the umbrella name over both.

KU Card

KU ID card or KUID is also acceptable.

KU Center for Technology Commercialization

On second reference, the center.

KU Libraries

The umbrella term for all campus libraries. Use University of Kansas Libraries on first reference for off-campus publications unless the University of Kansas has already been mentioned. Use the plural noun when referring to the administrative organization: KU Libraries are having a book sale.

KU Medical Center

On first reference, University of Kansas Medical Center or KU Medical Center if the university has been mentioned previously. On second reference, medical center. Reserve use of KUMC for headlines and social media.

The university’s academic schools of Health Professions, Medicine, and Nursing are at KU Medical Center. The University of Kansas Physicians is the name of the multi-specialty group whose members practice at the medical center and KU MedWest. The medical center’s address is 3901 Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160.

KU Memorial Union

The organization that is responsible for the Kansas Union, Burge Union, and DeBruce Center.

KU Today

KU's weekday e-newsletter, featuring campus news and news releases to general media. KU Today publishes twice a week over the summer and is not published over fall, winter, or spring breaks.

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Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Center for

On second reference, the center.

Learned Engineering Expansion Phase 2 (LEEP2)

An addition to the engineering school complex in the Central District. May be referred to as LEEP2 on first reference as long as the full name appears later.


Capitalize when using the whole name of the lecture or lecture series: Humanities Lecture Series. Capitalize only proper names when shortening: AndersonChandler lecture or lecture series
Put the title of the lecture in quotes.

Lewis Hall

Residence hall for women and men. 

Libraries, KU

See KU Libraries 

Lied Center of Kansas

On second reference, Lied Center. 

Lifelong & Professional Education
The office is on the Edwards Campus in Overland Park.

Life Span Studies, Schiefelbusch Institute for

On second reference, Life Span Institute or institute. 

Lt. Gen. William K. Jones Military-Affiliated Student Center
In Summerfield Hall. On first reference, use the full name. On subsequent references, it may be called the military-affiliated student center.

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Main campus

The area formerly known as the main campus now comprises the North District and the Central District. The campus west of Iowa Street is referred to as the West District.

Marketing Communications

Not Office of Marketing Communications or MarComm. Marketing Communications is a division of KU's Office of Public Affairs.

Marshall scholarships, Marshall scholars

Marshall scholarships are administered in the United Kingdom by the Marshall Aid Commemoration Committee and in the United States by the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., and five regional consulates-general. 

master's degree

See academic degrees

McCarthy Hall

University-owned apartments for men, many of them student athletes, south of Allen Fieldhouse on Naismith Drive. It opened in fall 2015.

Measurement, Materials & Sustainable Environment Center (M2SEC)

An engineering research center in the Central District. May be referred to on first reference as M2SEC as long as the full name of the building appears later.

Medical Center, KU

See KU Medical Center

Medicine, School of

One of three schools based at KU Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. The others are Health Professions and Nursing. Do not refer to the medical center or the total program offered there as the medical school. Branches of the School of Medicine operate in Salina and Wichita.
See also KU Medical Center.

Medicine-Salina, School of

A community-based branch of the School of Medicine at 400 South Santa Fe, Salina, KS 67401. 

Medicine-Wichita, School of

A community-based branch of the School of Medicine at 1010 N. Kansas, Wichita, KS 67214. 

Mellon fellowships, Mellon fellows

Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies are funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 

Memorial Campanile

On second reference, campanile. It contains a musical instrument called a carillon. The person who plays the carillon is a carillonneur. The bell tower, built as a memorial to KU's World War II dead, was dedicated in 1951. (pronounced camp-uh-NEE-lee)

Memorial Stadium

Do not use, except on second reference to David Booth Kansas Memorial Stadium.

Military-affiliated student center
In Summerfield Hall. On first reference, Lt. Gen. William K. Jones Military-Affiliated Student Center. On subsequent references, it may be called the military-affiliated student center.

Miller Hall

Women's scholarship hall. 

Mitchell scholarships, Mitchell scholars

George J. Mitchell scholarships are administered by the U.S.-Ireland Alliance. 

Mount Oread

Do not abbreviate Mount. Also known as the Hill. 

Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss

Use Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Miss only in direct quotes. On second reference, refer to people by their last names.

Mrs. E's

The official name of the Daisy Hill facility is Ekdahl Dining Center. 

Multicultural Affairs, Office of

Formerly the Office of Minority Affairs. See also Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center. 


Natural History Museum & Biodiversity Institute
In Dyche Hall.

Spencer Museum of Art
On second reference, art museum.

Wilcox Classical Museum
In Lippincott Hall. 

Music, School of

The School of Music was formed in summer 2009 after a reorganization of KU's fine arts programs. 

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Naismith Hall

Privately owned residence hall on Naismith Drive. 

National Merit scholarship, National Merit scholars

The National Merit Scholarship Program is conducted by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. 

Natural History Museum

Part of the Biodiversity Institute housed in Dyche Hall.

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

The association's Higher Learning Commission is the accrediting agency for KU. The university received a 10-year accreditation in May 2015 and has been accredited since 1913.

North College Cafe´

The residential dining center in Gertrude Sellards Pearson (GSP) Residence Hall.

Nursing, School of

One of three schools based at KU Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. The two others are Health Professions and Medicine. 

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Oread Hotel

A privately owned hotel that is not affiliated with KU.


Uppercase when referring to the recurring events for prospective students and their parents.

Orientation & Transition Programs, Center for

Formerly the Office of First-Year Experience. The Center for Orientation & Transition Programs implements programs that assist new undergraduates with academic, social, and personal transitions to KU.

Oswald Hall

One of two residence halls for men and women that opened on Daisy Hill in fall 2015; the other is Self Hall. They are connected by the Daisy Hill Commons.

Outlook, the

The chancellor's residence. 

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Capitalize when referring to the exhibit in the Natural History Museum.

Parking & Transit

Do not use. Now called KU Transportation Services.

Parking garages

The structure southeast of Memorial Stadium is the Mississippi Street Parking Garage. The structure at Naismith Drive and Irving Hill Road is the Allen Fieldhouse Parking Garage.

Pearson Hall

Men's scholarship hall. Grace Pearson Hall also is a men's scholarship hall.

They are two of five student living facilities funded by gifts from alumna Gertrude Sellards Pearson and her husband, Joseph R. Pearson. The others are Gertrude Sellards Pearson Hall (GSP), a residence hall for women and men; Sellards Hall, a women's scholarship hall; and Joseph R. Pearson Hall, now home of the School of Education.


Follow AP Style, which calls for using the % sign when paired with a number: She said 45% of Americans agreed.

In casual uses, spell out percent: She said he has a zero percent chance of finishing the project on time.

When a percentage begins a sentence, spell out both: Seventy-five percent of the animals at the refuge were relocated.


Do not use. Use doctoral degree or doctorate.

Pharmacy, School of

The school operates on the Lawrence and Wichita campuses. School of Pharmacy–Wichita is acceptable when needed to distinguish it from the pharmacy school on the main campus.

Pittsburg State University

On second reference, Pittsburg State.


Do not hyphenate. 

Potter Lake

Not Potter's Lake. 


No hyphen in constructions such as premedicine or prelaw, but pre-education. 

Price Computing Center
On second reference, computing center. Informally known as the computer center.

Professional & Continuing Education

Do not use. Now Lifelong & Professional Education. The office is on the Edwards Campus in Overland Park.

Professional Studies, School of

Based at the Edwards Campus in Overland Park.


Uppercase when used with the full name of a professorship only: The Smith estate gave $600,000 to establish the Delos V. Smith Jr. Professorship in Community Medicine.

But: The Smith professorship will be awarded in the spring.

In most cases, the plural pronoun should agree in number with the noun that precedes it: The professors said they agreed with the decision of their department chair.

In some instances, they/them/their may be used as singular gender-neutral pronouns. Because the singular they is still unfamiliar to many people and can cause confusion, make sure your writing doesn’t imply more than one person.

AP Style stipulates that when the pronoun they is used in the singular, it takes a plural verb: Kelly said they want to major in English.

Public Affairs & Administration, School of

A school within the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences that offers degrees and leadership training for administrators in city management, public service, nonprofit organizations, law enforcement, and other public and private sector agencies.

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quotation marks

See composition titles for guidelines on formatting book, movie, and play titles, poems, lectures etc.

Do not use quotes for titles such as Best Teacher of the Year or for theme or program names such as Proud to be a Jayhawk.

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Preferred over the term rush when referring to the fraternity and sorority community. 

Regents Center

An administrative and academic building on the Edwards Campus. The address is 12600 Quivira Road, Overland Park. 

Regents, Kansas Board of

See Kansas Board of Regents.

Regnier Hall

Victor & Helen Regnier Hall, a building on the Edwards Campus in Overland Park. Regnier Hall acceptable on all references. Pronounced reh-NEER. 

religious titles

For faculty members who are also clergy, the academic title supersedes. If relevant, note in the story that the faculty member is clergy. See the AP entry on religious titles for non-faculty titles.

Research, Office of

Formerly part of Research & Graduate Studies. The Office of Graduate Studies is now separate.

residence halls

KU has residence halls, not dormitories. On first reference Ellsworth Hall; on second reference, Ellsworth.
Corbin and Gertrude Sellards Pearson halls are often referred to in conjunction as GSP-Corbin. All residence halls house women and men except Corbin, which is women-only. The Campus Buildings Directory is the authority for building names.

Naismith Hall is a privately owned, off-campus residence hall.

Rhodes scholarships, Rhodes scholars

Rhodes scholarships are funded by the Rhodes Trust and selected in the United States by state and district committees.

Rieger Hall

Women's scholarship hall. (Pronounced REE-ger) 

Rock Chalk Chant

rooms, room numbers

Don't use the word room before a number and building name when context makes it clear that the reference is to a room number: The speech is at 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15, in 4019 Wescoe Hall. 

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Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center

The center, which adjoins the Kansas Union on the north, houses the Multicultural Resource Center and the Office of Multicultural Affairs. 

Salina campus, School of Medicine

Acceptable as School of Medicine–Salina. 

Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies

Life Span Institute acceptable on all references. 

Schiefelbusch Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic

On second reference, speech-language-hearing clinic or clinic. 

Scholars, scholarships

Capitalize only proper names when referring to scholarships and their recipients.

     Goldwater scholarships, Goldwater scholars.

scholarship halls

KU has 12 scholarship halls. On first reference, Battenfeld Hall; on second reference, Battenfeld.  But use K.K. Amini, Margaret Amini, and Grace Pearson to avoid confusion with similar names.


Uppercase when used with the full name of a scholarship only: The Solon E. Summerfield Scholarship has a lengthy history. On second reference or if the entire proper name of the scholarship is not used, capitalize only the proper noun: The Summerfield scholarship.

Self Hall

One of two residence halls for men and women that opened on Daisy Hill in fall 2015; the other is Oswald Hall. They are connected by the Daisy Hill Commons.

Sellards Hall

A women's scholarship hall, one of five residence and scholarship halls funded by gifts from alumna Gertrude Sellards Pearson and her husband, Joseph R. Pearson. The others are Gertrude Sellards Pearson Hall, known as GSP, a men's and women's residence hall; Grace Pearson Hall, a men's scholarship hall; Pearson Hall, also a men's scholarship hall; and Joseph R. Pearson Hall, now home of the School of Education.

semesters and seasons

Lowercase academic periods and seasons of the year: She graduated in the fall. He enrolled in the School of Engineering in fall 2015. The spring semester ends May 14.


Use for fourth- and fifth-year undergraduates. 

serial comma

AP Style does not use a comma before the conjunction in a simple series, called a serial or Oxford comma, but does use one in complex phrases and when needed for clarity. News releases use AP Style. KU Marketing uses the serial comma. Use your judgment, but be consistent.

Shankel Structural Biology Center, Delbert M.

Named for the microbiology professor who twice served as interim chancellor. On second reference, SBC.

Shawnee Mission

Not a city, but a postal designation for several Johnson County, Kansas, communities (including Overland Park, Prairie Village, Shawnee, Mission, and Lenexa). Use the city name in text: Sam Smith is a junior from Shawnee or Breanne Bailey is a sophomore from Prairie Village

Social Welfare, School of

Sorority & Fraternity Life

Use greek organizations, not greek system, when referring to fraternities and sororities.

KU's multicultural greek organizations use the abbreviation "Inc." Follow AP Style on punctuation; do not set off with commas. For example, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.

South Dining Commons

The residential dining center at Cora Downs Residence Hall in the Central District.

Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & Disorders, Department of

On second reference, speech-language-hearing department. For faculty, omit all but speech-language-hearing: Mabel L. Rice, professor of speech-language-hearing

Spencer Museum of Art

On second reference, museum of art or art museum. 


AP spells out names of states in text, even when following a city name:
     central Kansas
     Pretty Prairie, Kansas
     Norman, Oklahoma

Use the two-letter postal abbreviation for a state when used as part of an address: The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045.

Refer to AP’s datelines entry for names of cities that do not need to be followed by state names.

Stephenson Hall

Men's scholarship hall. 

stop day

The day after classes end and before exams begin. Lowercase. 

Stouffer Place Apartments

This university-operated apartment complex opened in 2018 in the Central District. The apartments replace the former Stouffer Place apartment buildings, which were razed in 2016.

Structural Testing & Student Projects Facility

An engineering building in the West District that contains space for student projects and a high bay lab for large-scale structures research.

Student Affairs, Office of the Vice Provost for

Formerly Student Success. Always capitalize. Acceptable in shortened form as Student Affairs. Units overseen by Student Affairs are Counseling & Psychological Services, KU Recreation Services, Legal Services for Students, Student Health Services, Student Involvement & Leadership Center, Student Affairs Research, Hilltop Child Development Center, KU Memorial Unions, KU Student Housing, Student Conduct & Community Standards, and Student Money Management Services.

Student Health Services

Housed in Watkins Memorial Health Center. 

Student housing

Housing & Residence Life operates on-campus living arrangements for students. See also residence halls, scholarship halls, and apartments. Formerly known as KU Student Housing.

Sunflower Apartments

Temporary guest housing used primarily by new KU faculty and staff who are searching for permanent residences.

Sustainability, Center for

Formerly the Environmental Sustainability Center.


In bodies of text, do not use symbols such as &, #, @ or %. Spell out the words instead, except when using the ampersand in a unit name, such as College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; the “at” symbol in an email or Instagram address,; or a hashtag in a Twitter address: #beajayhawk.

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Templin Hall

Residence hall for men and women. 

Theatre & Dance, Department of

In fall 2018, the theatre and dance departments merged to form this department. See also Arts, School of the

Theatre, Department of

Don't use. Instead use Department of Theatre & Dance. The theatre and dance departments merged in fall 2018 to form this department. See also Arts, School of the

theatre, theater

Use the spelling theatre to be consistent with campus organizations, departments, and facilities. KU has an academic Department of Theatre and the University Theatre, which includes the production units. The Department of Theatre, formed in 2009 after a reorganization of KU's fine arts programs, is in the School of the Arts in the College.

they, them, their
In most cases, the plural pronoun should agree in number with the noun that precedes it: The professors said they agreed with the decision of their department chair.

In some instances, they/them/their may be used as singular gender-neutral pronouns. Because the singular they is still unfamiliar to many people and can cause confusion, make sure your writing doesn’t imply more than one person.

AP Style stipulates that when the pronoun they is used in the singular, it takes a plural verb: Kelly said they want to major in English.

time element

References to upcoming events should include day and date as a double check for editors: Monday, Dec. 26. References to events in the past or in the distant future are expressed by date only and should include the year if different from the present: Nov. 3, 2018.


Use noon and midnight, not 12 p.m. or 12 a.m. Omit the colon and two zeros when writing hours: 8 p.m. But 2:30 p.m.

Set off the date with commas when it follows a day of the week and is in apposition to it: 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24, at the Lied Center. Omit the comma when only day or date is used with the time: 8 p.m. Thursday at the Lied Center or 8 p.m. Jan. 24 at the Lied Center.

The preferred order is time/date/place: 8 p.m. Jan. 24 at the Lied Center.


See also composition titlescourtesy titlesdoctorreligious titles


Capitalize only when it precedes the name. Do not repeat with the name on second reference. KU’s chancellor should be referred to as Douglas A. Girod on first reference in all communications. When his title is used in front of his name, capitalize it: Chancellor Douglas A. Girod. The chancellor is a physician, and in limited instances with medical audiences, M.D. may be added after his name: Chancellor Douglas A. Girod, M.D.

Do not use Dr. and don’t combine Chancellor and Dr. in front of the chancellor’s name.

emerita and emeritus titles
Use professor emerita (plural professors emeritae) for a retired female faculty member who retains her academic rank. Use professor emeritus (plural professors emeriti) for a retired male faculty member who retains his academic rank. Use professors emeriti for a group comprising both sexes.

Faculty members may retire with emeritus ranks of assistant, associate, or full professor. In obituaries and other stories about deceased faculty members, drop the assistant or associate rank and use professor emerita or emeritus.

faculty and staff
Use only short titles before names; in most cases, titles are placed after names.

Lowercase staff titles: Mary Smith, maintenance assistant; Brad Brown, editor.

Identify a faculty member by academic rank and discipline: Barbara Anthony-Twarog, professor of physics and astronomy; Ernst S. Dick, professor of Germanic languages and literatures (not professor of German).

     For faculty in the Kress Foundation Department of the History of Art, omit the foundation title: Stephen H. Goddard, professor of history of art.
For faculty in the William Allen White School of Journalism & Mass Communications, omit all but journalism: Tien-Tsung Lee, associate professor of journalism.
     Faculty in the School of Music derive titles from their specialty: Julia Broxholm, associate professor of voice.
     For faculty in the Department of Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & Disorders, omit all but speech-language-hearing: Mabel L. Rice, professor of speech-language-hearing.
     For distinguished faculty, capitalize the full title: William Picking, Foundation Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

faculty with several titles
If a faculty member has several titles, use only the title or titles most relevant to the story. When in doubt, use the title the person is best known by.

nonprofessorial titles of teaching faculty
Lecturers are lecturers in their subject: Jane Doe, lecturer in psychology. Instructors are instructors of something: John Smith, instructor of dance.

Promotions of faculty and nonteaching tenured staff members become effective at the start of the fiscal year, July 1. Although promotion lists are published in the spring, the announcement is not authority to use a new title immediately.

Transportation Services, KU

Formerly Parking & Transit. 

TRIO McNair Scholars Program

On second reference, McNair Scholars Program is acceptable. Not McNair Scholarships. Students in the McNair Scholars Program receive paid research opportunities, faculty mentors, a GRE preparation course, and tutoring. Do not refer to this as a scholarship program.

Truman scholarships, Truman scholars

Truman scholarships are awarded by the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation.

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Udall scholarships, Udall scholars

Udall scholarships are awarded by the Morris K. Udall Foundation. 

Undergraduate Research Awards

UGRA or UGRAs on second reference. The UGRA competition is coordinated by the Center for Undergraduate Research and funded by a partnership among the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, the Office of Research, Undergraduate Studies, and the Office of the Provost. Recipients receive $1,000 awards to pursue academic and creative projects.

Undergraduate Studies

Oversees the Academic Achievement & Access Center, Center for Civic & Social Responsibility, Center for Orientation & Transition Programs, Center for Undergraduate Research, KU Info, Learning Studio, KU Writing Center, Undergraduate Advising Center, and University Career Center. 


KU has two unions on the Lawrence campus, the Kansas Union and the Burge Union, and one on the Edwards Campus, Jayhawk Central. Use union on second reference unless the story mentions both unions. In that case, use the full name on second reference. KU Memorial Unions is the organization that manages the unions. 

University of Kansas Hospital, The

Do not use. The correct name is this: The University of Kansas Health System. On second reference, health system. The health system is a clinical facility governed by an independent authority board. Also, do not use when referring to KU Medical Center, the academic unit that includes the schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Professions.

University of Kansas, the

Not Kansas University. On second reference, KU or university. KU is acceptable on first reference in campus publications.
Lowercase "the" except when the name is part of an address.

He plans to attend the University of Kansas.
For more information, write to The University of Kansas, Office of Admissions, KU Visitor Center, 1502 Iowa St., Lawrence, KS 66045.

University Press of Kansas

Established as a consortium by the Board of Regents, the press represents the state universities and is in KU's West District. 



Omit http:// and www. when citing URLs in print publications unless a website will not work without them. Additionally, all words in URLs should be lowercase. For example: and 

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Capitalize the name of this annual December program presented by the School of Music. Vespers is plural in form but takes a singular verb. 

Visual Art, Department of

The Department of Visual Art was formed in summer 2009 after a reorganization of KU's fine arts programs. It is housed within the School of the Arts. 

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Watkins Hall

Women's scholarship hall.

Watkins Health Services

On second reference, health services. 

West District

The university area west of Iowa Street, formerly known as the west campus.

Wichita campus, School of Medicine

Acceptable as School of Medicine-Wichita. A hyphen or an en dash may be used in this formation.

Wichita campus, School of Pharmacy

Acceptable as School of Pharmacy-Wichita. A hyphen or an en dash may be used in this formation.

Wichita State University

On second reference, Wichita State.

Wilcox Classical Museum

In Lippincott Hall.

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There are no styles beginning with the letter X.

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Hyphenate first-year, second-year, third-year, fourth-year when used to modify student in classifications for law and medical students. Undergraduates are freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors; use senior for both fourth- and fifth-year undergraduates.

Avoid the use of upperclassmen.

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There are no styles beginning with the letter Z.

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