Email signatures
Email signatures
For a consistent, universitywide approach to email signatures, use one of three formats:
- a basic signature
- a signature with multiple phone numbers and links
- a signature that includes multiple numbers, links, and a mailing address
Use common fonts such as Helvetica, Calibri, or Arial. Unusual fonts may not display correctly.
Size the type at 12-14 points.
Choose a single color such as black or dark gray. Avoid other colors.
URLS and icons
Use simplified URLS (without “http://www.”).
Include social media links in plain text without icons. Icons will be too small to use on a mobile device.
Don’t include logos, graphics, or vCards because they add file size and can appear as attachments.
We discourage the inclusion of quotes or taglines because readers unfamiliar with KU may think of them as university views rather than personal sentiments.
Unless you often meet with students or visitors, don’t include a street address or complete mailing address.
Personal pronouns may be added below the contact information in any email signature. We suggest a format with the word “Pronouns:” followed by the pronouns you use.
Basic signature
Jay Hawk
Assistant Director
Name of unit
The University of Kansas
Signature with multiple phone numbers and links
Jay Hawk
Assistant Director
Name of unit
The University of Kansas
785-864-0000 (office)
785-000-0000 (mobile)
Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter
Signature with mailing address
Jay Hawk
Assistant Director
Name of unit
The University of Kansas
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
785-864-0000 (office)
785-000-0000 (mobile)
Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter